"Rent this 250cc Honda Semi-Automatic Quad (with optional Learning Clutch). Book Today"
Our 250cc Quad is a clutch trainer and is perfect for teens and lighter adults just learning how to use a clutch, as well as teenagers who already know how to shift gears. For instance, you can shift from 1st gear into 2nd gear, but if you didn't quite pull the clutch handle correctly you won't accidently stall the engine. Optionally, you can just ignore the clutch altogether while shifting. We recommend this quad for the younger teen beginning rider, experienced or inexperienced, or light adults.
The seating and controls are size appropriate for the height and weight of most 11 to 15 year olds to ride comfortably, of course with supervision at all times.
For ages 11-15, supervised, or light adults, 1 rider up to 180 lbs